Space Travel Infographic

Print Layout + Illustration

About the Project

Understanding the history of interstellar travel is important in today’s society, as it becomes a larger part in the public eye. After immense research, the data was given a hierarchy in a visually interesting manner that could educate the public with everything from international budgets to general history.

Within this project, the role of international, government funded space programs are explained, looking into their budgets and percieved importance. Private space agencies were researched, as well as their rising role in the world. Interest from the public is displayed, as well as the level of urgency certain priorities hold.


Research into the state of space travel was combed over, looking at everything from fiction to the state of current events. There were several sources with helpful datasheets and exact chronology pertaining to the subject. Once the exact data needed was streamlined, the goal was to arrange it in a visually interesting manner. A kind of path for the viewer to take through the information was formed, using illustrations and color to make it appealing to view.

Deliverable Content

  • 24 x 36” Poster


Information Layout